

Young people from Mexico and Central America train in the creation of digital content about migration


From September 8 to 11, young people throughout the region gathered for the first group sessions of the virtual course "Let's take the social networks! Creating digital content on migration", created by the International Organization for Migration (IOM) in conjunction with the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF). The course will be completed in the first days of October.  



RCM concludes a week of technical exchange on migrant smuggling

More than 100 participants logged on to each of the four sessions that gathered the Regional Conference on Migration’s (RCM) countries to discuss migrant smuggling and exchange best practices on the subject. The main goal was to strengthen police and judiciary capacities to fight migrant smuggling, with especial emphasis on investigation techniques and cross-border cooperation.



More than 180 young people start Virtual Camp on Migration, in preparation for "Think It Twice" campaign


With more than 180 young people in attendance, the International Organization for Migration (IOM) started this Wednesday, September 9, the Virtual Camp "Think It Twice". The camp consists of 4 days in which topics related to migrant youth, prevention of human trafficking and fraudulent hiring will be developed.  



Public and private sectors exchanged perspectives on labor migration and economic recovery

On September 2, the cycle of videoconferences "Labor migration in the face of the challenge of economic recovery: contributions from the public sector and businesses" concluded, bringing together the public and private sectors of the countries of the Regional Conference on Migration (RCM) to discuss future prospects. The activity was organized by the RCM and the International Organization of Employers (IOE) with the support of the United Nations (IOM, UNDP and ILO).



IOM survey shows impact of COVID-19 on migrant population in Central America and Mexico

San José - 57% of those who intend to migrate decided to postpone or cancel their plans due to the pandemic, while 21% of those who already migrated are contemplating returning to their country of origin as soon as their economic conditions or the countries' migration and health measures allow them to do so. This is shown by a survey conducted by the International Organization for Migration (IOM) among migrants from Central America and Mexico.



Information Hubs on Migration in the north of Central America share experiences on information assistance in times of COVID-19

On July 28, Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador held a virtual exchange of experiences at the Information Hubs on Migration, with the aim of establishing tri-national information lines to improve the care of migrants throughout the region.


The activity was attended by representatives of twelve hubs in the three countries, as well as the International Organization for Migration focal points who serve the hubs in each country.



IOM seeks to characterize diaspora organizations in Mexico and Central America

The International Organization for Migration has initiated an ambitious study that seeks to characterize diaspora organizations in Mexico and Central America. Diasporas are defined as groups of migrants or migrant descendants who, through their identity and sense of belonging to their country of origin, create common experiences in the country of destination.1  


IOM starts Training Programe on Migration Policies at the Regional Conference on Migration

The new Training Programe on Migration Policies, facilitated by the International Organization for Migration (IOM), seeks to strengthen the capacities of public officials of the Regional Conference on Migration (RCM) in the design, implementation and evaluation of public policies on migration . The Program consists of an IOM online course, Migration Trends in Latin America, a panel with international experts and three virtual sessions for technical exchange on migration policies.
