

IOM and its partners support efforts for improving labor migration management in Mesoamerica and the Caribbean

During the month of September, the International Organization for Migration (IOM) and its partners in different countries of the region met with various actors with the goal of discussing labor migration management for the benefit of all sectors.

In conjunction with the Central American Federation of Agricultural and Agro-industrial Chambers (FECAGRO), IOM has begun developing a proposal to create a regional coordination mechanism for labor migration management in the agricultural sector in Central America and the Dominican Republic.


IOM organizes the V exchange of the technical network of cross-border articulation on migration between Guatemala and Honduras


Puerto Cortés (Honduras). The International Organization for Migration (IOM) facilitated the Fifth Exchange of the Guatemalan-Honduras Cross-Border Coordination Network, which seeks to guarantee an adequate response to the migration processes between the two Central American countries.


Central America bolsters protocols for assistance to migrants in crisis situations


Guatemala City. Within the framework of the Regional Conference on Migration (RCM) and to follow up on the Central American Policy for Comprehensive Disaster Risk Management (PCGIR), representatives from the conference and international organizations participated in a regional workshop titled “The key role of coordination and information management in disaster situations”.


IOM and ILO hold workshop on fair and ethical hiring of migrant workers

The International Organization for Migration (IOM) and the International Labor Organization (ILO) are leading the regional workshop “Governance of Labor Migration: Fair Hiring and Prevention of Fraudulent Practices”. The event, which was inaugurated today in Guatemala City and will end on Thursday, September 5, takes place within the Regional Conference on Migration (RCM).


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Regional mechanisms strengthen actions to include and tend to migrants in crisis situations

In following with the Regional Conference on Migration (RCM) and the Central American Policy for Comprehensive Disaster Risk Reduction (PCGIR), authorities representing said conference and other international organizations participated last August 26th on a regional workshop: “The key role of information coordination and management for tending to migrants in disaster situations”. The activity was designed to strengthen the inclusion and attention to migrants in such cases.


Costa Rica and Guatemala improve access to information and regularization through information hubs on migration


Municipal migration information hubs, located in over 20 Mesoamerican communities with a migrant presence, operate in coordination with IOM as spaces that facilitate migrants’ direct access to information on migration procedures and migration related issues.

In this context, Costa Rica opened the first Transactional Hub in the region, thanks to collaboration between the Migrant Information Hub in Upala and the General Directorate of Migration  (DGME).


Mexico and Guatemala exchange best practices regarding labor migration


Mexico City - Within the framework of the Cooperation Agreement on Labor signed by Mexico and Guatemala in 2018, a Workshop on Exchanging Best Practices for Labor Migration was held July 3 by the Mexican Secretariat of External Relations, with support from the International Organization for Migration (IOM) and the International Labor Organization (ILO).  
