

Mexico, Guatemala, and Honduras debut their IOMX communication for development campaigns in August


In August 2019, Mexico, Guatemala, and Honduras will present their campaigns “Migrar informados” (“Migrating informed”), “Ponele plan a tu vida” (“Plan your life”), and “Echale ganas” (“Go for it”) which have been created through participatory communication for development processes.  These campaigns were developed based on the results of over 1,500 interviews, coordination spaces with over 70 local partners, and participatory validation by the target audience.


North and Central American countries follow up on the Regional Plan to Combat Migrant Smuggling


Mexico City. Representatives of the Regional Conference on Migration (RCM), composed of the governments of Belize, Canada, Costa Rica, the Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama and the United States of America, met on 4 and 5 June for a follow-up workshop to the 2019-2025 Work Plan on  Migrant Smuggling, prepared jointly and approved by vice ministers in 2018.   


IOM builds institutional capacities at the regional level through cross-border meetings on migration in Mesoamerica


The International Organization for Migration (IOM) provided support for two cross-border meetings in the Mesoamerican region during the past month. The Human Mobility Cross-border Committee “Grupo Tacaná” in Spanish, met on May 16-17, while the Cross-border El Salvador-Honduras Committee met on May 23-24. Representatives of non-governmental organizations, civil society, public institutions, and governments participated in these meetings.


80 Guatemalan government officials trained by IOM in migration legislation and human trafficking


On May 22 and 27, 45 officials from the Guatemalan Migration Institute participated in informational workshops on the new Migration Code and its associated regulations. The activity was held by the International Organization for Migration (IOM) within the framework of its Work Plan, in conjunction with the national migration institution. Its objective was to support understanding and implementation of the new code.


Over 100 local actors launch communication for development campaigns focused on migration in Mesoamerica


Creativity and participatory work are the primary focuses in the communication for development (C4D) processes being implemented in Tapachula, México, Salcajá, Guatemala, San Pedro Sula, Honduras, and Ahuachapán, El Salvador as part of the joint efforts of IOM, local governments, and various actors to improve communities’ access to information about safe migration and local alternatives to irregular migration.


Regional research team advances in the analysis of Labor Market Information Systems in Mexico, Guatemala, El Salvador and Honduras

On May 23 and 24, 2019, the International Organization for Migration (IOM), the International Labor Organization (ILO), and the regional team of researchers in charge of the study "Analysis of Labor Markets Information Systems in Mexico, Guatemala, El Salvador and Honduras: towards a greater integration of labor migration" held their first meeting in San José, Costa Rica. This study is implemented by the Central American Institute for Social Studies and Development (INCEDES), at the request of IOM and ILO, under the framework of the labor migration component of IOM Western Hemisphere Regional Migration Capacity-Building Program funded by the US Department of State.


Migrants from Caravans share their voluntary return stories

A series of video testimonials will allow you to hear the stories of people who participated in migrant caravans and voluntarily decided, for various reasons, to return to their countries of origin. In October 2018, the International Organization for Migration (IOM) created a special temporary program to assist the voluntary return of migrants stranded in Mexico or Guatemala who lack the necessary resources to return to their homes.   


IOM is developing a simulator for migration crisis management


The human mobility dimension of crises is growing more and more relevant as crisis produce more complex and larger-scale migration flows. However, the response of States and the international community to a migration crisis is often reactive. One of the challenges is to increase the capacities of decision makers to plan and develop contingency plans for large-scale human movements.
