20 November, 2020

Governments and local organizations will be able to receive training on migration information models with a free IOM course

The International Organization for Migration launched the online course "Information Hubs on Migration". The course is free, open to the public and 100% virtual through IOM's E-Campus platform. The main function of the hubs, located in the facilities of municipalities and other local instances, is to provide current, potential or returned migrants with access to reliable information on regular migration channels and to direct them to existing services in the community, to facilitate their protection, integration or reintegration, as the case may be.

13 November, 2020

Member Countries of the Regional Conference on Migration (RCM) strengthen dialogue on determining the best interest of migrant children and adolescents

On October 26th, 40 representatives of the Member Countries of the Regional Conference on Migration (RCM) concluded a cycle of virtual sessions for exchange and proposals on the best interest of migrant, refugee and in need of protection children and adolescents. The process, initially planned as an in-person workshop, was virtualized in response to the distancing measures imposed by COVID-19, so that a total of four online sessions were held since March. 

12 November, 2020

IOM Costa Rica, in conjunction with the General Directorate of Migration and Aliens, enables services on MigApp

The International Organization for Migration (IOM) in Costa Rica, together with the General Directorate of Migration and Aliens (DGME), generated the connection of migration services and consultations from the MigApp mobile application, so that migrants and nationals can manage, free of charge, the services of the DGME from their cell phones.

12 November, 2020

More than 20,000 migrants have been counseled within a year of the opening of the Information Hub on Migration in Dominican Republic

More than 20,000 migrants have been counseled from the Information Hub on Migration that operates in Santo Domingo, thanks to the coordinated work between the General Directorate of Migration (DGM) and the International Organization for Migration (IOM) in the Dominican Republic. Free, timely and bilingual (Spanish and Creole) orientation has been provided without interruption, even in times of confinement due to the COVID-19 pandemic. 

12 November, 2020

INM RD and IOM deliver diplomas to first participants in the "Intercultural Mediation Diploma" held in Dajabón


The National Institute for Migration of the Dominican Republic (INM RD) and the International Organization for Migration (IOM) gave diplomas to the participants of the first edition of the "Diploma in intercultural mediation" that was held in a semi-presential way in the municipality of Dajabón. This training, which began on February 4, took place during forty hours of face-to-face and twenty of virtual activities, in which concepts related to migration, interculturality and human rights were addressed, as well as tools and practical aspects for mediation.

12 November, 2020

Panama: IOM collaborates with Morgan & Morgan to strengthen access to legal tools for migrants

On October 27, IOM launched a new initiative to strengthen social inclusion and access to legal channels for migrants residing in Panama. In cooperation with the country office of the international law firm Morgan & Morgan, IOM is developing a series of webinars to share information on how to access social services and provide legal guidance to migrants in Panama.

12 November, 2020

IOM and IADB develop educational sessions on human trafficking in Latin America and the Caribbean

A total of 41 people from a wide range of backgrounds and professions participated in two virtual sessions on the crime of human trafficking on October 29. Among them were migration officials, legal professionals, teachers and doctoral students.  The activity was part of the virtual tutored course "Migration Policy and Governance in Latin America and the Caribbean", which IOM is implementing with the Inter-American Development Bank's Migration Training Program. 

12 November, 2020

Honduras: construction of migration policy continues, with civil society participation

Since last year, at the request of the Secretariat of Governance, Justice and Decentralization, IOM has supported the construction of a migration policy in Honduras, through the advice of international experts. As part of this process, a working session was established last October with civil society organizations, with the objective of presenting them with the background, progress and next phases in the process of building a comprehensive migration policy for Honduras. 

12 November, 2020

COVID-19 did not stop the Western Hemisphere Program: countries report success in capacity building during 2020

This October 2020, IOM presented to its partners the achievements of the last 12 months of the Western Hemisphere Program. This presentation took place in the framework of the annual planning meeting of the program, which this year was carried out in a completely virtual way and gathering the eleven countries where this IOM initiative is implemented. The constant among panelists was to highlight the successful adaptation to the challenges posed by COVID-19 in the four axes of the program: migration management, alliances, preparation for migration crises and communication for development. 

12 November, 2020

IOM provides technical support for new migration reception station in Panama

On September 23rd, the government of Panama inaugurated a new Migrant Reception Station (MRS) in the community of San Vicente, located in the district of Pinogana, province of Darien. The International Organization for Migration (IOM) Panama accompanied this opening process together with its counterpart, the National Border Service (SENAFRONT).