Central American countries, Mexico and the Dominican Republic meet to analyze the regional situation of human trafficking

Closing an atypical year, the Regional Coalition against Trafficking in Persons and Smuggling of Migrants (CORETT) held a virtual meeting during the week of November 23 to analyze the work done in 2020 and to propose the objectives of the Coalition for 2021.
The response to the crisis caused by COVID-19 was a key element of the sessions. The different member countries shared their status, statistics and actions implemented during the pandemic. In addition, the proposed Action Plan of the Strategy for Accompanying Victims of Human Trafficking was reviewed.
As an observer organization, the International Organization for Migration (IOM) presented the campaign "Think Twice", focused on the prevention of fraud and deception in the context of economic uncertainty. Additionally, the work plan to strengthen regional data collection on human trafficking and the periodic publication of infographics in the coming months was addressed.
"Crisis situations can increase the uncertainty and vulnerability of communities, and at the same time the actions of criminal groups dedicated to human trafficking and smuggling of migrants. It is key that there is a regional and multisectoral articulation to provide a comprehensive and effective response. Spaces such as CORETT are a great opportunity to achieve this," said Alexandra Bonnie of IOM.
Additionally, IOM presented the objectives and expected results of the project "Promotion of Social Inclusion of Migrant Women in Public Policies in CA and DR for the Prevention of Gender-based Violence". Paola Zepeda, coordinator of this project, expressed the relevance that CORETT has for the project from the prevention of human trafficking as one of the cruelest manifestations of violence perpetuated towards women and girls, agreeing to jointly implement a knowledge management plan in this area.
IOM participates in CORETT through projects financed by the IDF, the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg and the U.S. Department of State Bureau of Population, Refugees and Migration of the United States.