5 August, 2018

IOM pilots innovative model for providing information on migration in Guatemala: Community Advisors on Migration

The Migration Community Advisors are a pilot initiative of the Mesoamerica Program in Guatemala, as part of its efforts to carry out sustainable preventative actions in the most vulnerable communities.

These advisors are women who are leaders in their communities. They work as volunteers, giving trustworthy information on topics related to regular migration and identifying vulnerable cases to refer them to the services of the Municipal Information Hubs on Migration.

5 August, 2018

Local Governments in Costa Rica open new Information Hubs for Migrants

San Jose, Costa Rica. The IOM, in coordination with local governments, started two new information hubs for migrant persons, located in the regions of Upala and Desamparados. These hubs will be run by municipal staff, who were trained and certified by the IOM, which works to strengthen the capacities of local governments for managing migration.

5 August, 2018

Information Hubs Strengthen Efforts to prevent Irregular Migration in Guatemala

Through the Mesoamerica Program, the IOM in Guatemala supports five Municipal Information Hubs on Migration in coordination with twenty-two Migration Community Counselors. In order to strengthen their work, an Exchange of Experiences was held in July with La Casa del Migrante, Tecún Umán, San Marcos. 

5 August, 2018

Belize and Mexico held bilateral session on migration and border management

Belize City. On July 12 and 13, the second edition of the Belize-Mexico Cross-border Meeting was held, thanks to the Government of Belize and the United Nations International Organization for Migration (IOM), in coordination with the Embassy of Mexico in Belize.

17 July, 2018

Central American Countries Exchange Experiences of Voluntary Return

Panama City – IOM, the UN Migration Agency, this week (16-17/07) held a regional workshop to exchange experiences of assistance programmes for the voluntary return of migrants in situations of vulnerability. Held in Panama City, the workshop was attended by participants from the Regional Conference on Migration (RCM) member states.

6 July, 2018

Mexico holds training on protecting migrant children on its southern border

Villahermosa, Tabasco, June 2018. - The National System for Integral Family Development (DIF) of the State of Tabasco, with IOM support, deliver a Specialized Course on unaccompanied or separated migrant children in the Northern Triangle and Mexico between May 28 and June 29. The objective of the course was to improve coordination between sectors and institutions and to strengthen skills for protecting unaccompanied or separated child and adolescent migrants in Tabasco.

6 July, 2018

The Guatemalan National Civil Police and Migration Institution train their staff on detection of fraudulent documents and identification of vulnerable migrants

The International Organization for Migration (IOM) of the United Nations System, working with the General Directorate for Migration (DGM), provided training on migration-related crimes, detecting fraudulent documents, and recognizing the profiles of vulnerable migrants in Guatemala. The purpose was to strengthen the skills of officials in the General Directorate for Migration and the Civil National Police at strategic sections of the border and at central airports.

6 July, 2018

Education as a tool for change: IOM and the Ministry of Education work to prevent racial discrimination in Costa Rican classrooms

San José, Costa Rica. 65 civil servants from the Ministry of Public Education (MEP) received training in June on migration, the risks associated with irregular migration, and the importance of keeping educational institutions free of racial discrimination and xenophobia. Specifically, the trainings were carried out on June 13 in Liberia and June 27 in Alajuela.

6 July, 2018

North and Central America Coordinate efforts on extra-regional Migration

Countries from North and Central America participated in the 5th Meeting of the Ad Hoc Group on Extra-Regional Migrants of the Regional Conference on Migration (RCM) on Thursday, May 31. This meeting was held with the goal to exchange information and best practices on governance of extra-regional migration.

6 July, 2018

IOM Fosters Cross-Border Network and Strengthens Institutions in the Northern Triangle of Central America

La Unión, June 26, 2018.- The International Organization for Migration (IOM) of the United Nations System supported the creation of the Network for Guatemala-Honduras Cross-border Cooperation, which will ensure enhanced coordination for migration management at the Integrated Border Post in Corinto.