28 January, 2019

IOM releases Online Course on Human Trafficking for Consular Staff

  • The course is available in Spanish on IOM learning platform E-Campus. It is free and provides a certificate of achievement upon completion. 

The International Organization for Migration (IOM) has developed a new virtual course on human trafficking, based on the Regional Conference on Migration (RCM)’s “Human Trafficking Manual for Consulates and Ministries and Secretariats of Foreign Affairs of Central America and Mexico”.

25 January, 2019

IOM launches E-Campus: Online Learning Platform on Migration


  • PAM, IOM Regional Virtual Learning Platform on Migration will cease to function on February 28, 2019. The new and improved site, E-Campus, is already available. Visit ecampus.iom.int 


E-Campus is now IOM's global online migration learning platform. Developed in Moodle, it unites ideal features for self-learning and allows courses to be updated constantly.   

20 December, 2018

Costa Rica and Panama “migrate toward respect and tolerance” with Binational Fair in Paso Canoas


  • Over 100 people participated in the Binational Fair, which was held to provide information about safety measures, health and wellbeing, and migration.  

As part of International Migrants Day on December 18, the International Organization for Migration (IOM) participated in the Sixth Binational Migrants Fair (Costa Rica-Panama) in the border area of Paso Canoas. The fair was held December 18 and 19. 

5 December, 2018

IOM supports regional efforts to fight human trafficking and migrant smuggling

The Regional Coalition against Human Trafficking and Migrant Smuggling was created in 2011, demonstrating the commitment of representatives from Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Belize, and the Dominican Republic to work together and respond effectively to the issues of human trafficking and migrant smuggling, as well as to promote regional efforts to fight these crimes. 

5 December, 2018

El Salvador issues border cards to migrant children and adolescents

San Salvador, El Salvador. - On November 17 and 18, the fourth ID registration day was held for children and adolescents who transit the border zone in Morazán. The event was run by the General Directorate of Migration and Foreigners (DGME), with support from the United Nations’ migration agency (IOM).

5 December, 2018

IOM assists with the Evaluation of the Special Migration Program 2014-2018 in Mexico

Mexico City—The International Organization for Migration (IOM), through the Western Hemisphere Migration Program (Mesoamerica Program), supported the Public Consultation for the Evaluation of the Special Migration Program 2014-2018 held by the Migration Policy Unit of the Department of the Interior. 

5 December, 2018

Migrating Towards Respect: migrants educational fair in Guatuso, Costa Rica

Guatuso, Costa Rica. On Saturday October 20, the fair "Migrating Towards Respect" was held in San Rafael de Guatuso. It used the hashtag #NadieEsExtraño (No one is a stranger) to create a cultural space for promoting the inclusion of migrants in the area.  The activity is an initiative of the Commission for Migration Flows of the Republic of Costa Rica, which intends to hold other similar fairs in 13 cantons in the country.

5 December, 2018

Governments in Mesoamerica and the Caribbean Meet to Launch New Phase of Regional Migration Program

San Jose, Costa Rica. The annual coordination meeting of the IOM Regional Migration Program: Mesoamerica-Caribbean was held on October 22-24. The objective of this Program is to promote migration governance in order to reduce irregular migration flows, the vulnerability of migrants to human trafficking, and migrant smuggling.

30 November, 2018

Migrants from the Caravans Receive IOM Support to Return to their Countries

San Jose – Since 4 November 2018, the UN Migration Agency (IOM) has facilitated the voluntary and safe return of hundreds of Central Americans who were part of the caravans of migrants traveling US-bound through Mexican territory.

14 November, 2018

IOM launches MigApp in the framework of the Regional Conference on Migration

IOM, the UN Migration Agency, and the Government of Panama, in their capacity as Pro-Tempore Chair of the Regional Conference on Migration (RCM), presented MigApp, IOM's mobile app for migrants.