The management of migration data contributes to evidence-based decision making through research, knowledge generation and the production of timely, high quality analytical reports, infographics and maps. It informs the Western Hemisphere Program on migratory trends, migrant’s characteristics and vulnerabilities, and contributes to the development of data-driven solutions for an improved, humane and human rights-based migration governance.
The documents in this section contain updated migration data in the region.

Panama – Analysis Of Flow Monitoring Surveys To Extrarregional Migrants (June 2019)
In Panama, the DTM was activated in 2019 in response to the arrival of extra-regional migrants from the Caribbean, Africa and Asia, though the National Park Darien in the Colombia border. The DTM is operated in Panama with the aim of collecting, analyzing and disseminating critical and multi-level information on the mobility, vulnerabilities and needs of populations on moving, enabling decision-makers to provide context-specific assistance.

Mexico- Flow monitoring diagnosis and displacement tracking (SPANISH)
This study, conducted by IOM in June 2019, provides information on the migration dynamics in Tapachula, at the southern border of Mexico. The activities were undertaken along with government institutions, two shelters (Jesús el Buen Pastor and Diocesano El Belén), civil society organizations and universities, such as the Mexican University Institute (IUDM) in Tapachula. Its goal is to provide preliminary impressions about the migration flows in the municipality, their attention capabilities and the characteristics of the migrant population in Tapachula.
The complete report is available in Spanish.

Flow Monotoring Survey (DTM) Suchiate, Chiapas, January 2019
As part of the activities of IOM Regional Migration Program in Mexico, a flow monitoring survey has been implemented in the southern border region of the country, specifically in the State of Chiapas on the border with Guatemala, on January 2019. Read the results.

Flow Monotoring Survey (DTM) TIJUANA, DECEMBER 2018
On December 20 and 21 of 2018, IOM applied surveys at the El Barretal shelter and in the surroundings of the Benito Juárez sports complex located in Tijuana, Baja California, on the northern border of Mexico. IOM established these two monitoring points due to the confluence of migrants who formed part of the Caravan of Central American Migrants, which headed north in the months of October and November of 2018. Read the results.