

RCM countries exchange good practices on recruitment and labor protection of migrants

The second part of the technical exchange of practices on fair recruitment and labor protection of migrant workers was held the 24 May 2021, as part of the Regional Conference on Migration. The session was led by the International Labour Organization, jointly moderated with the International Organization of Migration, and gathered the participation of 61 participants from 11 RCM Member Countries’ representatives, private sector and civil society organizations, as well as observer agencies.  


Panama and Costa Rica strengthen actions to combat migrant smuggling and cybercrime

With the aim of sharing good investigative practices among law enforcement, security, migration and judicial institutions that can strengthen the fight against crime, promote international cooperation and teach us more of the challenges faced by border police forces, Panama and Costa Rica, along with other allied states, participated in the III Binational Meeting on the Investigation of Illicit Trafficking of Migrants Linked to Cybercrime that took place on the 18th and 19th of May, 2021, in a blended session with virtual and on location participants. 


Migration Officers Strengthen Their Capabilities to Communicate During Crises

A message transmitted in time can save someone’s life. With this premise, the Commission of Migration Authorities (OCAM) of the member countries of the Central America Integration System (SICA), in conjunction with the International Organization for Migration (IOM), developed a regional workshop on emergency and migratory crisis communication. Migration officials from the areas of communication, press, migration control, and care for migrants from 8 different OCAM member countries, participated in a three-day workshop (May 18, 19, and 20) on the essential role of communication in these issues.  


RCM Member Countries initiate activities of the Working Group on Labour Migration with support from IOM and ILO

The Government of Mexico, as Pro-Tempore Chair of the Regional Conference on Migration (RCM), with the support from IOM and ILO promoted an exchange to support the design, implementation and follow-up of labour migration mechanisms within the framework of this multilateral forum. The exchange is the first part of the "Conversation for the exchange of good practices in the recruitment and labour protection of migrants".


Panama expands border security services to guarantee migrants' rights

With the graduation ceremony of its first 150 members on April 19, Panama celebrated the creation of the new Humanitarian Border Security Unit (USFROH). This new unit, which will form part of the Chucunaque Battalion, is the humanitarian arm of the National Border Service (SENAFRONT) and will provide security for migrants, as well as preventive patrols, first aid, rescue and location of people lost in the jungle, as well humanitarian assistance.


IOM in Panama installs the Darien Technical Committee for Migration

The Darien Technical Committee for Migration was inaugurated on March 23, 2021. It is a mechanism that seeks intersectoral coordination of operational actions in response to the protection and assistance needs of migrants, asylum seekers, refugees and those who may have other international protection needs, as well as the needs and impact of migration on host communities.


Protecting data is protecting people: four questions and answers about data protection and information hubs

IOM considers that data protection is fundamental to support its operations, as it is key to the respect of human dignity and the right to privacy of individuals. In the framework of January 28, International Data Protection Day, IOM, from the Western Hemisphere Program, shares with the Information Hubs on Migration of the region four key questions and answers on the subject. 


Governments and local organizations will be able to receive training on migration information models with a free IOM course

The International Organization for Migration launched the online course "Information Hubs on Migration". The course is free, open to the public and 100% virtual through IOM's E-Campus platform. The main function of the hubs, located in the facilities of municipalities and other local instances, is to provide current, potential or returned migrants with access to reliable information on regular migration channels and to direct them to existing services in the community, to facilitate their protection, integration or reintegration, as the case may be.


Central American countries, Mexico and the Dominican Republic meet to analyze the regional situation of human trafficking

Closing an atypical year, the Regional Coalition against Trafficking in Persons and Smuggling of Migrants (CORETT) held a virtual meeting during the week of November 23 to analyze the work done in 2020 and to propose the objectives of the Coalition for 2021. The response to the crisis caused by COVID-19 was a key element of the sessions.
