8 March, 2019

The Migration Governance Framework—What is it, and how can it contribute to my work?

The Migration Governance Framework, known as MiGOF, is a conceptual-institutional framework that incorporates the essential elements for facilitating orderly, safe, regular, and responsible migration and mobility of people through planned and well-managed migration policies. This framework seeks to present, in a consolidated, coherent, and comprehensive way, a set of three principles and three objectives which, if respected and met, would ensure humane and orderly migration and benefit both migrants as well as society in general.   

8 March, 2019

IOM presents technical tools to promote regular migration through universities in El Salvador

San Salvador, El Salvador. – The International Organization for Migration (IOM), through the Regional Migration Program: Mesoamerica – The Caribbean, presented the academic community with two technical tools for information and communication, E-Campus and MigApp, intended to improve the capacity of partners in El Salvador to promote safe, orderly, and regular migration.   

5 March, 2019

Health professionals will be able to learn about human trafficking through a virtual course from IOM

San José, Costa Rica The International Organization for Migration (IOM) is releasing a new course on human trafficking directed toward health providers. This course offers staff in the health field practical guidance to understand the crime of human trafficking. Additionally, it seeks to build the capacity of staff to recognize possible cases, understand the potential health problems associated with the crime, and be familiar with appropriate tools and focuses for assisting victims and potential victims of human trafficking.   

1 March, 2019

Over a thousand migrants have returned voluntarily with assistance from IOM in Central America

In response to the so-called “migrant caravans” in Central America, in October 2018 the International Organization for Migration (IOM) created a special temporary program to assist the voluntary return of migrants stranded in Mexico or Guatemala who lack the necessary resources to return to their homes. To date, IOM has provided assistance for the voluntary return of 1,195 people, 48 of whom are unaccompanied minors.  

11 February, 2019

IOM interviews migrants from caravans in Chiapas

  • Violence and the search for work are the primary reasons why Central Americans are migrating.  
  • Access to basic resources and to information about forms of regularization and human rights are some of their main needs.  


8 February, 2019

“Somos Colmena” emerges as a virtual informational community for migrants in Mesoamerica

Since 2016, the Regional Migration Program: Mesoamerica- The Caribbean has used “Informarte en Movimiento” [Inform Yourself on the Move], a virtual community on Facebook, as a platform for informing and raising awareness among migrants in the region about the risks of irregular migration (such as human trafficking), regular migration pathways, the integration of migrants, and more.  In order to improve its informational work and the versatility of its brand, the Informarte en Movimiento community will become “Somos Colmena” [We Are a Hive].

4 February, 2019

IOM backs communication for development as a tool to promote regular migration in Mexico and Central America.

Communication for development (C4D) is a methodology that seeks to generate participatory processes through which local actors can find solutions to promote behavioral changes that bring about social change. IOM has used C4D with great success in other regions, such as Southeast Asia, with the project IOM X. In this case, the “IOM X Roadshow” model will be utilized in Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, and Mexico.

4 February, 2019

The Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Dominican Republic begins consultations for the creation of the National Action Plan on Migration

Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic. The Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Dominican Republic, with support from the International Organization for Migration (IOM), held two meetings with around 30 of the country’s consuls in various cities in Latin America, the Caribbean, and Europe, with the objective of introducing the initial consultation process for the creation of the National Action Plan for Migration - PLANAMI. 

4 February, 2019

Migrant information hubs in Costa Rica strengthened with the support of the Canada Fund for Local Initiatives

Upala, Costa Rica. Since October 2018, the International Organization for Migration (IOM) has worked in conjunction with the Canada Fund for Local Initiatives (CFLI) with the goal of improving the services offered by the migrant information hub in the Municipality of Upala, and identifying strategic synergies with civil society in the area. 

4 February, 2019

IOM builds capacities for monitoring migration flows in Mexico and Guatemala 

The displacement tracking matrix (DTM) is a system that IOM uses at the global level to track and monitor displacement and population mobility. This methodology is designed to capture, process, and disseminate information regularly and systematically in order to enable better preparation for and response to migration flows in different parts of the world.