Costa Rica, Panama, and the Dominican Republic Strengthened their Tools to Combat Migrant Smuggling
The activity sought to strengthen intergovernmental response capacity, continue the training of the police forces of Panama and Costa Rica in the prevention of migrant smuggling and learn first-hand the best practices implemented by the Dominican Republic in the investigation and prosecution of human trafficking and migrant smuggling crimes, as a reference country due to the progress it has made in this topic.
New Study Finds Connection Between Emerging Petroleum Sector and Increased Travel to Guyana from the Caribbean
Georgetown, Guyana, 24 September2021
Between 2013-2018 travellers from the Caribbean were recorded as having the highest increase in migration to Guyana when compared to those from Venezuela, Europe, and the United States of America (USA). This is according to a recent report from the International Organization for Migration (IOM), titled Planning for Prosperity: Labour Migration and Guyana’s Emerging Economy.
IOM and Suriname Government launch innovative report on national migration governance
The International Organization for Migration (IOM) in collaboration with the Government of the Republic of Suriname released the Suriname Needs Assessment on Migration Governance, in a step to further develop migration policy in the country. The launch was done at a virtual event with presentations from IOM representatives and the Minister of the Foreign Affairs, International Business and International Cooperation, H. E. Albert Ramdin.
Panama Initiates Intersectoral Dialogue on the Knowledge Economy in the New International Context
This preparatory forum was an appropriate space for promoting dialogue between various actors from the public and private sector, civil society, and international cooperation on priority actions for the development of the country in the new international context, experiences and good practices, human mobility and globalisation through various thematic sessions.
The Dominican Republic Adapted and Strengthened the Manual for Management of Collective Centers
Among the activities carried out is a survey of national and international documents such as laws, rules, procedures, and manuals, achieving a review of approximately 23 documents. These documents were used to verify proper compliance with national regulations in the Toolbox, which contains a set of guides and basic tools that facilitate shelter management through the approach of good practices and lessons learned in disaster situations at the national and international levels.
IOM Strengthens the Information Hubs on Migration Model in Honduras and Mexico
In August, Honduras and Mexico carried out activities to strengthen the model of Information Hubs on Migration. In Honduras, the Workshop on Analysis and Validation of the Information Hubs Model in the Municipal Management Model for Social Development was held, and Mexico held the 2021 National Meeting of Information Hubs on Migration.
IOM and ILO lead global conversation on labour migration in the age of digitalization
The International Forum on Digitalization, Migration and Development promoted by IOM and ILO, analyzed how migrant workers are involved in socio-labour dynamics that do not escape the new trends that the future of work presents, and digitalization could contribute to safe, orderly and regular labour migration under decent work conditions.These tools include the creation of innovative digital platforms of public institutions; new systems to process work permits quickly and expeditiously by virtual means, with a focus on the protection of public health; to the adoption of laws that encourage the mobility of "digital nomads", willing to telework from anywhere in the world.
Online course "Protection of migrants in vulnerable conditions in Panama" is concluded
With the aim of training and updating the concepts of protection from a human rights perspective, the International Organization for Migration (IOM) held the closing ceremony of the online training course "Protection of migrants in vulnerable conditions in Panama". This course, aimed at key actors who provide guidance, assistance and / or services to migrants in a vulnerable condition in Panama, was held from July 26 to August 25, 2021.
IOM and CARICOM IMPACS enter MoU to collaborate on regional migration management efforts
Georgetown, Guyana 23 August 2021:
A Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) was signed between the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) Implementation Agency for Crime and Security (IMPACS) and the International Organization for Migration (IOM) at a virtual ceremony.
Mexico’s Beta Group Works with Panama’s Humanitarian Border Security Unit
From Panama’s and Mexico’s diverse contexts, both the USFROH and the INM Beta Group are working on similar tasks according to their functions, facing the challenges posed by monitoring, surveillance, and assistance of border crossings, especially by providing protection and assistance to those in a position of mobility, in addition to the fact that both aim to safeguard the security, dignity and life of migrants on their way to their migratory destinations.