Ministry of Labour and Social Security and IOM promote ethical recruitment principles in Honduras

In order to guarantee the rights of migrant and national workers, the Ministry of Labour and Social Security and the International Organization for Migration (IOM) seek to position "Ethical Recruitment for Employment" in Honduras, as a strategic element in the processes of pre-selection and selection of human resources with the active participation of the actors involved.
The objective is to promote recruitment processes that attract qualified candidates in a legal, equitable and transparent manner, so that they can join a company or organization, inside or outside the country, respecting ethical and professional conduct, laws, principles and fundamental labour rights.
IOM in Honduras states that "ethical recruitment is of vital importance to improve the working conditions of workers and, of course, of migrants who are working in the country". In addition, these practices help to better understand the business and the needs of workers".
As part of this joint work, a capacity building process has been conducted with more than 35 private employment agencies, which recognize the importance of implementing ethical recruitment practices and protection of workers' human rights, and the implementation of fair, transparent and legally compliant processes.
In addition, the Ministry of Labour and Social Security, through the General Directorate of Employment, places at the disposal of companies, private for-profit and non-profit employment agencies, job seekers, public officials, and society in general, informative materials, with videos and infographics, on essential lines for the promotion of "Ethical Recruitment for Employment".
These include the conceptualization, legal provisions, equal opportunities and equal treatment in access to employment and occupation, the exercise of the whistleblower culture and the benefits it brings in terms of social equity and productivity.
In addition to these, there are legal frameworks of interest such as the Convention on Discrimination No. C111, of the International Labour Organization (ILO) and the Regulations for the Recruitment and Hiring of Honduran Workers Abroad, of the Department for the Regulation of Private Employment Agents (DRAEP), among others.
Specialists in Ethical Recruitment of human resources state that in the short and medium term, positive evidence is gradually generated in the selection of suitable human resources to fill a vacant job, reduction of complaints of labour discrimination, increased worker productivity in the work environment, reduction of population at risk of labour exclusion, incentives to creativity and strengthening of relationships of trust within organizations and productive units.
IOM is committed to protecting the rights of migrant workers and contributing to achieving ethical, and dignified living conditions. These actions are part of IOM's Western Hemisphere Program and have been made possible thanks to funding from the Bureau of Population, Refugees and Migration (PRM) of the U.S. Department of State.