IOM Presented Standard Operating Procedures for the Care and Assistance of Mixed Migratory Flows at Land Borders in El Salvador

In coordination with border institutions, the International Organization for Migration (IOM) developed a proposal for Standard Operating Procedures that articulates the competencies and powers of various instances with jurisdiction over the land borders of La Hachadura, and Las Chinamas in the department of Ahuachapán and El Amatillo in La Unión.
This input strengthens migration governance, in the sense of developing standardized inter-agency operating procedures that allow more effective and efficient border management in situations of mixed migratory flows, ensuring identification, care and assistance for vulnerable migrant populations.
In order to validate this tool with the authorities that will use it, on July 23 a presentation was given to 16 representatives of Salvadoran institutions linked to migration, including the Directorate General of Migration and Aliens, the Directorate-General for Civil Protection, the Salvadoran Institute for the Integral Development of Children and Adolescents, the municipalities of Ahuachapán and La Union, CONNA, Office of the Attorney General of the Republic of El Salvador and the Office of the Procurator for the Defence of Human Rights.
"This is an excellent effort to systematize the actions of all public and private actors that provide a service for migrants. In emergency contexts, it helps to optimize the actions of the Salvadoran State in order to guarantee the rights of migrants", said Román Heredia of the General Directorate of Civil Protection.
This activity was developed within the framework of IOM’s Western Hemisphere Program, funded by the United States Department of State Bureau of Population, Refugees and Migration.