The Educational Toolkit on Migration arrives at the south of Honduras

Choluteca (Honduras), 2 July 2020. The International Organization for Migration (IOM) has begun the process of capacity-building and methodological transfer of the Educational Toolkit on Migration with teachers from southern Honduras. The toolkit is an online repository validated by IOM, were materials can be downloaded and used to develop educational campaigns and activities on migration.
The training process will consist of four webinars with teachers and district authorities from the departments of Choluteca and Valle. The first session, in which 29 teachers participated, addressed the context of migration, smuggling of migrants and trafficking in persons.
"The objective is to strengthen the capacities of teachers on the subject of migration, to give them greater confidence when doing the replicas with students, mothers and fathers of the two focused educational centres: the PROHECO Basic Education Centre and the Marco Aurelio Soto EC", explained Melanie Gómez, National Coordinator of the Regional Programme on Migration Mesoamerica- The Caribbean in Honduras.
This area of the country is one of the ones with greatest migration flows, especially of migrants in transit to the north of the continent. Once teachers have acquired the knowledge, they will be able to replicate it with primary and secondary school students who receive classes in these two educational centres in Choluteca and Valle in peri-urban areas, which are also characterised by a high rate of expulsion.
"The first workshop given by IOM can be described as excellent, since it provided all the information on the subjects of trafficking in persons and smuggling of migrants in a complete and detailed manner. Without a doubt, it will serve teachers as a guiding tool in their pedagogical work in the delicate and difficult task of providing attention to children and adolescents who are reached by this social phenomenon that our country is currently facing," explained Delmys Rivera, Deputy Director of Programs and Projects of the Department of Education of Choluteca.
"The approach to this issue requires specific knowledge, because of the confidentiality with which certain cases must be dealt with, and thus can contribute to improving the quality of the education provided in the country," added Rivera.
In the next sessions, topics such as psychosocial care for migrants and self-care for teams will be addressed, the Educational Toolkit on Migration will be studied in depth, and a planning workshop will be held to define the next steps for joint work.
These activities are being carried out under the Regional Program on Migration Mesoamerica- The Caribbean, with funding from the the U.S. Department of State Bureau of Population, Refugees and Migration (PRM).