32 Young University Students Discuss on Migration in Southern Mexico

15 March, 2017

Ixtepec, Oaxaca (Mexico) - The University of the Isthmus in Ixtepec campus was the setting for the workshop "Migration and Youth", aimed at 32 students of the Faculty of Law of the Department of Constitutional Studies.

This workshop seek to raise awareness of students about the assistance and protection of young migrants, through the approaches of human rights, youth, diversity and gender.

The state of Oaxaca is a zone of origin, transit and destination of migrants and, therefore, a key point on the talk on migrations. For this reason, the University of the Isthmus encourages its students to become involved and learn about the migration and the risks that are linked to it; promoting the analysis of this issue not only from the academic lens but also in practice, though, for example, social service in the shelter for migrants.

Most of the students participating in this experience commented that they are from other municipalities in the state, so the migration issue is very present in their daily lives.



The workshop was attended by students of eighth, sixth and second degree of the Faculty of Law and the Coordinator of the Department of Constitutional Studies Dr. Alma Cossette Guadarrama.

Within the framework of this activity, a forum was held with the migrant population hosted in the Migrant Brothers Shelter on the Road, which addressed the issue of the risks of irregular migration, including human trafficking. According to information provided by the shelter, in recent months there was a slight decrease in the number of migrants attended, an average of 300 people per month so far this year. The majority of the population is from Central America, with an increase in migrant families.

IOM conducts this type of activity in a number of countries in the region. Surveys implemented in 2016 by the Mesoamerican Program revealed that only 33% of young people who participated in these workshops knew the risks and vulnerabilities of migration; a 67% did not have sufficient information related to the risks of migration.  Two more workshops of this type will be held in August, one in Mexico City and another in Tapachula. Throughout the Mesoamerica region, a total of 21 workshops will be held with the participation of 525 young people

This is one of the actions supported by IOM with the Mesoamerican Program "Strengthening Protection and Assistance to Vulnerable Migrants", funded by the US Department of State's Bureau of Population, Refuge and Migration; Program for the Prevention of Crimes Associated with Irregular Migration in Mesoamerica, carried out jointly with the Organization of American States and the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, financed by the European Union.

For more information, please contact Claudette Walls at IOM Mexico, Tel: +52 962 642 56 74, Email: cwalls@iom.int.