14 September, 2020

IOM concludes capacity-building workshop to aid in the integration of Venezuelan migrants into Caribbean labour markets

September 14, Georgetown - The International Organization for Migration (IOM) completed its training workshop on the Integration of Venezuelan Migrants into Caribbean Labour Markets. The trainings were held online and in collaboration with the Response for Venezuelans (R4V) Program, and with participation from the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) and the International Labour Organization (ILO).

11 September, 2020

More than 180 young people start Virtual Camp on Migration, in preparation for "Think It Twice" campaign


With more than 180 young people in attendance, the International Organization for Migration (IOM) started this Wednesday, September 9, the Virtual Camp "Think It Twice". The camp consists of 4 days in which topics related to migrant youth, prevention of human trafficking and fraudulent hiring will be developed.  


8 September, 2020

IOM launches new campaign on the integration of migrant workers with the Secretariat of Labor in Mexico

 "Employers of the World: Leaders of the Future" is the name of a new campaign in Mexico, which seeks to engage employers in long-term, sustainable initiatives to revitalize local economies and integrate migrants into the Mexican labor market.   

8 September, 2020

Public and private sectors exchanged perspectives on labor migration and economic recovery

On September 2, the cycle of videoconferences "Labor migration in the face of the challenge of economic recovery: contributions from the public sector and businesses" concluded, bringing together the public and private sectors of the countries of the Regional Conference on Migration (RCM) to discuss future prospects. The activity was organized by the RCM and the International Organization of Employers (IOE) with the support of the United Nations (IOM, UNDP and ILO).


8 September, 2020

IOM emphasizes the need for holistic approaches to reception and reintegration of returnees to the Caribbean at capacity-building sessions

August 27, Georgetown - The International Organization for Migration (IOM) recently completed its training workshop Reception and Reintegration of Forced Returnees in the Caribbean. The trainings were held online and in collaboration with the Caribbean Community Implementation Agency for Crime and Security (CARICOM IMPACS) and the Government of Antigua and Barbuda.

8 September, 2020

IOM signs collaboration agreement with the Dominican Republic Migration Institute, for the development of educational platforms and programs

Santo Domingo. The International Organization for Migration (IOM) and the National Institute for Migration (INM RD) signed a collaboration agreement with the purpose of strengthening the design and execution of comprehensive training programs on migration issues, so that they respond to international standards for classroom, blended and online teaching models.

8 September, 2020

IOM and SICA promote the exchange of local experiences on migration

The International Organization for Migration (IOM) and the Central American Integration System (SICA) held two virtual conferences to generate a space for dialogue and exchange of experiences on the local governance of migration in border municipalities in El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras.


8 September, 2020

IOM concludes first Tri-National Conference on Illicit Trafficking of Migrants and Related Crimes between Colombia, Panama and Costa Rica

More than 200 people participated during the month of August in the two sessions of the first Tri-National Conference (Colombia, Costa Rica and Panama) on the crime of migrant smuggling. At this event, the International Organization for Migration (IOM) brought together migration officials and police teams from the three countries to improve intergovernmental response capacity and strengthen police investigation processes.  


8 September, 2020

IOM survey shows impact of COVID-19 on migrant population in Central America and Mexico

San José - 57% of those who intend to migrate decided to postpone or cancel their plans due to the pandemic, while 21% of those who already migrated are contemplating returning to their country of origin as soon as their economic conditions or the countries' migration and health measures allow them to do so. This is shown by a survey conducted by the International Organization for Migration (IOM) among migrants from Central America and Mexico.


26 August, 2020

Migration data management can improve Caribbean free movement regimes

Georgetown, Guyana, 13 August 2020 - More research and data collection into migration patterns with the Eastern Caribbean will go a long way in crafting national migration policies and to maximize governments’ capacity to manage migration in the region. This was highlighted by several migration experts from the Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS) and the International Organization for Migration (IOM) at an online forum under the theme Celebrating 10 Years of Freedom of Movement.