6 July, 2018

IOM, ICRC and MSF in Mexico City organize the first workshop on psychosocial support in the context of migration

Mexico City -  The United Nations Organization for Migration (IOM), in collaboration with the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) and Doctors Without Borders (MSF) held a Workshop on Psychosocial Support in the Context of Migration, directed towards public officials, civil society organizations, and shelters staff, in Mexico City, from June 13-14, 2018.

4 July, 2018

Mesoamerican countries strengthen protection of migrants and displaced by natural disasters with support from IOM

Mexico City - 32 officials from 10 countries that form the Regional Conference on Migration (RCM), met on June 6 and 7 to strengthen their capacities and exchange experiences on the protection of migrants in countries affected by natural disasters.

3 July, 2018

MigrantApp - Effective Communication with Migrants Before and During Crisis

Thousands of buildings in the Southern Mexican state of Oaxaca were destroyed by a powerful 8.1 magnitude earthquake in September 2017. At least 98 people lost their lives nationwide. A week later, Hurricane Max caused large waves, floods, mudslides and sinkholes in the state of Guerrero.

13 June, 2018

IOM Trains Salvadoran Medical Staff on Migrant Protection

San Salvador – How do you recognize a victim of human trafficking? What medical and psychological first aid should a victim of this crime or a vulnerable migrant receive? To which authorities should you report cases of violation of migrants' human rights?

13 June, 2018

Honduras Strengthens Mechanisms for Fighting Trafficking in Persons

Honduras. In order to strengthen mechanisms for preventing and prosecuting the crime of trafficking in persons, IOM—the United Nations' Migration Organization— supported the Local Committee of the Inter-Institutional Commission against Commercial Sexual Exploitation and Trafficking in Persons (CICECST), in the city of La Ceiba in northern Honduras to conduct a workshop for its members.

13 June, 2018

Guatemala: new Guidelines for the Immediate Response Team of the Inter-institutional Committee against Trafficking

Guatemala. The United Nations' Organization for Migration (IOM) presented copies of the Guidelines for the Immediate Response Team of the Inter-institutional Committee against Trafficking, with the goal of optimizing government assistance to victims of this crime.

12 June, 2018

Health Organizations in Chiapas Improve Medical Support for Migrants

Mexico. The Secretariat of Health, Health Jurisdiction VII of Tapachula, Doctors of the Word France (MdM), and the United Nations' Organization for Migration (IOM) held on May 4, 2018 the third session of a presentation of the Health Care Flowchart for Migrants, developed in Chiapas.  This tool aims to strengthen migrants’ health care access.

12 June, 2018

Migratory Police of Costa Rica attends first workshop on first aid and psychosocial support

Costa Rica. On May 14, 2018, the Costa Rican Migration Police Staff attended their first training on first aid and psychosocial support for migrants. The Police staff is currently working in the Migrant Centers installed in the country, and at the airports. This initiative was implemented as part of a training week put on by IOM along with the Professional Migration Police and the Red Cross.

12 June, 2018

Regional Committee against Trafficking in Persons and Smuggling of Migrants Agrees on an Action Plan for Prevention and Assistance for the Upcoming Years

Costa Rica. With the support of the United Nations' Organization for Migration (IOM) and of civil society organizations, this year Second Meeting of the Regional Coalition Against Trafficking in Persons and Smuggling of Migrants was held from May 21 to 23, with representatives from Mexico, Belize, Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama, and the Dominican Republic. The country representatives shared experiences, received training, and reached agreements on an action plan for a comprehensive approach through assistance, prevention, and information on these crimes.

12 June, 2018

Migration Information Centers in Mesoamerica Share Experiences and Good Practices in Regional Exchange

Mexico. Maria* is a young Honduran woman who left her country with her two children, with no plans, no money, and no clear path, but determined to take a train north. After several days of walking and enduring the poor typical conditions along irregular migration routes in Central America, Maria arrived in Palenque, in the Mexican state of Chiapas, and visited the Migration Information Center there, where she received information about the risks of irregular migration, human rights protection, and options for regularization, which changed her mind.