10 October, 2018

IOM Contributes to the Protection of Migrants During Emergencies

Nacaome (Honduras), September 24, 2018. –IOM, the United Nations Organization for Migration, developed a workshop with public institutions and civil society organizations which operate in southern Honduras to build capacities to provide adequate assistance to migrants in emergency contexts.

9 October, 2018

Children in Nicaragua learn about migration with IOM Pedagogical Suitcase

Rivas, Nicaragua. Forty primary school students at the José Antonio Ruiz School, in the city of Rivas, shared a morning of migration-related activities based on the Pedagogical Suitcase developed by the International Organization for Migration (IOM). The event was co-organized with civil society organizations: Save the Children, the Young Women Migrants Group and the Sonia Bello Women's House.

9 October, 2018

Governments of Central America Strengthen Capacities to Protect Migrant Workers

About 40 officials from central and local governments of El Salvador, Honduras, Guatemala, and Mexico met this week (12/09) in Guatemala to participate in a workshop on the protection of migrants. The event was organized by the UN Migration Agency (IOM) and the International Labor Organization (ILO).

9 October, 2018

Chiapas establishes a Migration and Health Interinstitutional Committee

Tuxtla Gutiérrez, Chiapas, Mexico - On September 26, 2018, the Interinstitutional Committee on Migration and Health was launched in Tapachula. The Committee will encourage coordination between the organizations that provide health services to migrants. It will also serve as a space for training, coordination, and exchanging information among the different institutions to improve healthcare for migrants.

9 October, 2018

Border Police in Costa Rica trained to fight Human Trafficking and Migrant Smuggling

San José, Costa Rica— The Mesoamerica Program of the International Organization for Migration (IOM), in conjunction with the Office against Human Trafficking and Migrant Smuggling of the General Directorate of Migration, held a training program for 15 officers of the Border Police of Costa Rica on detecting the crimes of human trafficking and migrant smuggling and identifying the profiles of vulnerable migrants.

9 October, 2018

IOM pilots government internship program to address human trafficking

The International Organization for Migration (IOM) is committed in the fight against human trafficking, promoting and supporting interregional and interinstitutional cooperation strategies which respond more comprehensively to the challenges of this crime.

9 October, 2018

Central and North American Countries Discuss Labor Migration Governance

Mexico City – Member countries of the Regional Conference on Migration (RCM) discussed on September 4th and 5th the challenges posed by growing labor migration dynamics in the Americas, at the Regional Workshop on the Governance of Labor Migration: Towards Integrated and Planned Policies.

9 October, 2018

IOM strengthens regional dialogue on migration with civil society organizations

Guatemala City – The Regional Network of Civil Society Organizations for Migration (RROCM) met on September 19-21 for an internal planning workshop regarding the support that civil society can provide to the next presidency of the Regional Conference on Migration (RCM), which will be held by Guatemala.

24 September, 2018

IOM and OAS Launch Online Course on Migrant Children in Latin America

San José – On September 24th, IOM, the UN Migration Agency, opened the "Specialized Course on Migrant Children in the Americas" via its Learning Platform on Migration.

5 September, 2018

Nicaragua: 212 people trained in psychosocial assistance for migrants and preventing the risks of irregular migration

Managua- During July and August, the International Organization for Migration of the United Nations (IOM) held a training seminar on the risks associated with irregular migration as well as on psychosocial skills for assisting migrants.