10 October, 2019

IOM study analyzes Nicaraguan mixed migration flows in Costa Rica

A study conducted by the International Organization for Migration (IOM) between January and June 2019 assessed the living conditions of Nicaraguan migrants who have entered Costa Rica or applied for asylum since April 2018 and identified their primary needs.

The study was a response to the urgent needs of governmental institutions for detailed information about Nicaraguans who arrived in Costa Rica during this period.

10 October, 2019

IOM in the Dominican Republic supports information and regularization efforts

Santo Domingo. On September 26, a first meeting was held with over 50 civil society organizations to provide orientation on the processes and requirements for the renewal, change of status, and expedition of migration documents for beneficiaries of the National Plan for the Regularization of Foreign Nationals (PNRE) in the Dominican Republic. The activity was organized by the National School of Migration (ENM) with support from the International Organization for Migration (IOM).

10 October, 2019

The Government of Costa Rica improves migration management with support from IOM

San José. The First Migration Symposium 2019 was held in Costa Rica September 17-18, an opportunity to contextualize the current migration situation in the country and discuss best practices regarding the approach to mixed migration flows and support to migrants in conditions of vulnerability. The event was organized by the General Directorate of Migration and Foreign Affairs, with support from the International Organization for Migration (IOM).

10 October, 2019

Honduras: towards a comprehensive migration policy

Tegucigalpa. The International Organization for Migration (IOM) organized the meeting Towards the creation of a comprehensive migration policy, in which national and international experts met in the capital of Honduras as a starting point for developing a National Migration Policy that address immigrant, emigrant, migrant in transit, and returnee flows.

7 October, 2019

IOM promotes campaign on development opportunities for young people in El Salvador


San Salvador, El Salvador. – The International Organization for Migration (IOM), in coordination with over 25 local partners, launched the Communication for Development campaign Conectá con tu futuro [Connect with your future], which has the primary goal of providing trustworthy information on regular migration and local opportunities to young people in the municipality of Ahuachapán.

5 September, 2019

The Office of the Prosecutor for the Defense of Human Rights (PDDH) of El Salvador gains trainers in Migrant Protection


San Salvador, El Salvador. The International Organization for Migration (IOM) concluded the Trainer of Trainers Course on Promotion of Human Rights and Identification of the Needs for Assistance and Protection of Migrants, in which approximately 50 officials from the Office of the Prosecutor for the Defense of Human Rights (PDDH) participated.

5 September, 2019

IOM improves training on migration issues in Belize in collaboration with the Ministry of Education and Galen University


Belize—Two activities during the month of August increased the understanding of specialized audiences in Belize of migration issues. The first was a workshop on migration and communication for development, given to instructors from the communities of Corozal and San Ignacio as part of the Professional Development Week held annually by the Ministry of Education, Youth, Sports, and Culture.  

5 September, 2019

IOM strengthens efforts in migration governance in Quintana Roo (Mexico) and Belize


Quintana Roo, Mexico - In August 2019, different efforts were made in Quintana Roo, as a key region in terms of intra- and extra-regional migratory flows, to strengthen binational work on migratory issues, aiming to provide information on safe migration to people in the area. One of the activities was the third Belize-Quintana Roo Cross-Border Working Meeting and the opening of the Migration Information Hub in the municipality of Othón P. Blanco.

5 September, 2019

Central America bolsters protocols for assistance to migrants in crisis situations


Guatemala City. Within the framework of the Regional Conference on Migration (RCM) and to follow up on the Central American Policy for Comprehensive Disaster Risk Management (PCGIR), representatives from the conference and international organizations participated in a regional workshop titled “The key role of coordination and information management in disaster situations”.

5 September, 2019

IOM strengthens consulate capacities to protect migrants during emergencies


The International Organization for Migration (IOM) developed several training sessions on how to provide adequate assistance to migrants in emergency contexts.

The workshops, tailored to consular staffs accredited in the Honduran capitals and the Permanent Contingency Comission (COPECO) personnel, were created in the context of the Migrants in Countries in Crisis (MICIC) initiative.