12 November, 2020

IOM provides technical support for new migration reception station in Panama

On September 23rd, the government of Panama inaugurated a new Migrant Reception Station (MRS) in the community of San Vicente, located in the district of Pinogana, province of Darien. The International Organization for Migration (IOM) Panama accompanied this opening process together with its counterpart, the National Border Service (SENAFRONT).  

10 November, 2020

IOM and the Municipality of San José inaugurate a children's playground in the community of Barrio Cuba

On November 9, the International Organization for Migration (IOM) in Costa Rica, together with the Municipality of San José and the Association for the Integral Development of Barrio Cuba (ADI), inaugurated the recreational park for children "La Esperanza", located in the southern sector of the El Pochote community in Barrio Cuba, San José.


10 November, 2020

New Central American Campaigns Combat Misinformation about Migration

Kevin’s dreams of being discovered by international recruiters ready to open the door to football glory outside of his native Guatemala seemed to be coming true. But should he trust these men who are offering fame and fortune? In Costa Rica, Isabel, a Nicaraguan single mother wants to regularize her migration status but keeps being told that it is nearly impossible.  Two very different real-life scenarios sharing a common challenge: the lack of clear, accessible information that allows them to make informed decisions. 


14 October, 2020

IOM Costa Rica delivers plans to the General Directorate of Migration and Aliens (DGME) to build a new center for migrants

The General Directorate of Migration and Aliens (DGME) of Costa Rica received technical and financial support from IOM for the preparation of the plans (architectural, structural, mechanical and electrical), as well as the respective budget and technical specifications associated with the new Northern Bicentennial Migrant Station (EMBINORTE).

13 October, 2020

IOM and the Organization of Eastern Caribbean States partner to strengthen migration management in the region

The International Organization for Migration (IOM) and the Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS) Commission have partnered with the aim of improving migration management in the region, by establishing this month a joint Working Group. This partnership will prioritize coordination and building capacity of national governments in the areas of research and migration data collection, diaspora engagement, and COVID-19 recovery and environmental migration.   


13 October, 2020

Four countries discuss the role of their consular staff in protecting migrant workers

On September 23, a multilateral table sponsored by the International Organization for Migration (IOM) brought together 48 people from Belize, Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador. They participated in a dialogue and exchange of experiences on the protection of the rights of migrant workers in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic.

13 October, 2020

El Salvador and Belize share experiences in protecting migrant children and adolescents

On September 18, IOM facilitated a virtual meeting to exchange experiences on mechanisms for the protection of migrant children and adolescents between Belize and El Salvador. Representatives from both countries participated in the meeting to identify coordination points for the identification, protection and assistance of migrant children and adolescents.


2 October, 2020

Young people from Mexico and Central America train in the creation of digital content about migration


From September 8 to 11, young people throughout the region gathered for the first group sessions of the virtual course "Let's take the social networks! Creating digital content on migration", created by the International Organization for Migration (IOM) in conjunction with the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF). The course will be completed in the first days of October.  


16 September, 2020

Communication experts advance towards a better understanding of migration in Honduras

Honduras continues to take steps towards a comprehensive policy on migration. More than twenty government institutions, under the leadership of the Office of Communications and Presidential Strategy and the Secretariat of Governance, Justice and Decentralization (SGJD), and with the technical accompaniment of the International Organization for Migration (IOM) and the Institute for Migration and Peace Studies (IEMP), met to gather inputs in order to establish a strategic communications plan that makes visible the dynamics of migration in Honduras and the progress in managing migration and protecting all migrants.

15 September, 2020

RCM concludes a week of technical exchange on migrant smuggling

More than 100 participants logged on to each of the four sessions that gathered the Regional Conference on Migration’s (RCM) countries to discuss migrant smuggling and exchange best practices on the subject. The main goal was to strengthen police and judiciary capacities to fight migrant smuggling, with especial emphasis on investigation techniques and cross-border cooperation.