In our Library, you can find publications containing our research, workguides and other materials generated by the Western Hemisphere Program and IOM. You will also find information materials about our tools and campaigns and reports on our work.




Paso Canoas border. Migration flow: highly vulnerable persons between Panama and Costa Rica. Situation report #5. November 12, 2021.

The migration flow of extraregional mirants transiting through Central America en route to North America, continues to increase. In Panama, according to data from the National Migration Service (SNM), between January and October 2021, 121.737 migrants of variosus nationalities, such as Haiti (62%), Cuba (13%), Chile (8%), Brazil (7%), the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela (2%) and other countries in South America, Asia and Africa, have entered Panama irregularly at the border with Colombia. People identified as nationals of Chile and Brazil are children of Haitian migrants born in those countries.

Communication campaign on the risks of irregular migration through the Darien forest

The "Speak the Truth" (Pale Verite) campaign follows the "Migrants as Messengers" model and has adapted the C4D methodology to crisis and emergency contexts. It targets potential migrants in Haiti and Haitian migrants in South American transit countries. Its objective is to inform about the risks of irregular migration through the Darien jungle using the testimonies of those who have already lived the experience.

Curaçao behoeftenanalyse van migratiebeheer

Deze Migration Governance Needs Assessment (Behoefteanalyse van Migratiebeheer) geeft een panoramisch beeld weer van migratiebeheer in Curaçao. Door middel van concreet onderzoeksdata, in combinatie met de input van regionale belanghebbenden, biedt het een breder perspectief op mogelijkheden om migratiebeheer in het land te versterken. Daarnaast biedt het uitvoerbare aanbevelingen voor het minimaliseren van de potentiële risico's, en tegelijkertijd het maximaliseren van de economische en ontwikkelingsvoordelen, van migratie. Het onderzoek concentreert zich op de volgende zes hoofdthema's: migratiebeleid en internationale normen, migratie en grensbeheer, migratie in de context van noodsituaties en rampen, migranten bescherming en bijstand, migratie en gezondheid, en arbeidsmigratie en menselijke ontwikkeling.

Curaçao needs assessment on migration governance

This migration governance needs assessment presents a panoramic view of the current state of migration governance in Curaçao. Through concrete evidence and data, combined with the inputs of regional stakeholders, it provides a larger perspective on opportunities for strengthening migration governance. Furthermore, it offers actionable recommendations on how to best minimize the potential risks of migration, while maximizing its economic and development benefits. The study focuses on six key thematic areas: migration policies and international standards, migration and border management, migration in the context of emergencies and disasters, migrant protection and assistance, migration and health, and labour migration and human development. This report is meant to be used as an informative tool for the government of Curaçao, IOM, and other international stakeholders.

Research brief: Mapping the current needs of the citrus industry regarding labour migration in Belize

Belize’s export agricultural sector, Sugar, Citrus and Bananas have always been a dominant source of foreign exchange earnings and employment. With collapse of Tourism due to COVID-19, the export agriculture sector has once again become the most important source of foreign exchange and employment in the country. IOM Belize has produced a study detailing the needs of the industry. Read the summary below.

Regional report: counter-trafficking actions in Mesoamerica and the Caribbean. 2019

This infographic highlights the actions carried out in the region against trafficking in persons, specifically in the areas of identification and assistance of victims, prosecution, repatriation, and prevention of trafficking in persons. It should be noted that, in the case of Mexico, the data presented are preliminary figures and are subject to change.

Honduras-Baseline Assessment Of Migration Flows And Mobility Tracking Within The Context Of COVID-19 Report #7 (July, 2021)

Honduran nationals continue to position themselves as one of the main outgoing migration flows. The search for better socioeconomic conditions and displacement due to violence continue to be the main reasons for Honduran migration. Particularly, persecution and threats from gangs against men under 17 years of age have intensified, forcing this population to migrate in an irregular manner due to internal displacement.

Guatemala-Baseline Assessment Of Migration Flows And Migrants Presence Within The Context Of COVID-19 Report- #7 (July, 2021)

According to key informants, most migrants in transit through Guatemala enter the country through blind crossings at the borders of El Corinto in Izabal, and El Florido and Agua Caliente located in Chiquimula, in small mixed groups of various age groups. These persons transit in an irregular condition, evading migration control posts established by the Guatemalan Government at these borders, which consist of the review of personal identification and proof of the COVID-19 test.

Mexico-Baseline Assessment Of Irregular Migration Flows And Mobility Monitoring In Border Crossing Points Within The Context Of COVID-19 #3 (July, 2021)

The DTM (Displacement Tracking Matrix), through the sub-components ow monitoring and mobility tracking, is a methodology whose purpose is to quantify and analyze trends in migration ows and the presence of migrants in specic locations during a specic period. Data were collected from interviews with strategically selected key informants, which were carried out remotely.

Summary report. Planning for prosperity. Labour migration and Guyana's emerging economy

While Guyana has made economic and social progress over the past three decades, it is imperative that policymakers adapt and adjust the policy framework, institutions and legislation for the country to realize its full growth potential. An example which foreshadows the changes to be seen in Guyana can be observed by the increase in the number of migrant workers.